Major crypto companies have been using “BnkToTheFuture” to raise hundreds of millions of dollars – YahooFinance

Major crypto companies have been using “BnkToTheFuture” to raise hundreds of millions of dollars – YahooFinance

BnkToTheFuture was recently featured in Yahoo Finance

“Major crypto companies including Coinbase, Kraken and Shapeshift have been using a little-known investment platform called “Bnk to the Future” to raise hundreds of millions of dollars from investors—without having to limit themselves to the regulatory morass of the US market.

The platform, which counts Richard Branson among its early sponsors, has brought extraordinary dividends—to some. In total, the some 90 companies listed on the platform have collectively pulled in $781 million, according to the BnkToTheFuture’s website. Looking through the funds generated by the firms using the platform, one can even get a glimpse of how these companies might one day be evaluated on the regular market—if it ever comes to that. “

– YahooFinance  

(Read the full article here.

BF covered by YahooFinance

*NOTE – We noticed several inaccuracies in this article.  For example, while we offer secondary markets in the CoinBase, Ripple and Circle SPV’s they were not primary market clients of ours. Also, we have only had a handful of pitches that did not reach their minimum funding goal but never had a pitch with $0 invested. We have a model for US investors to invest via our broker-dealer partnership model in pitches that elect to take on US Investors.

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